Complete Online Course Bundle – Individual Subscription

$93.75 $42.00

Online Courses for Years 7-10 Science (Australian Curriculum)

years 7 8 9 10 science online courses bundle australian curriculum

Includes the following courses:
Year 7 Introduction to Science
Year 7 Chemistry
Year 7 Biology
Year 7 Physics
Year 7 Earth and Space
Year 8 Chemistry
Year 8 Biology
Year 8 Physics
Year 8 Earth and Space
Year 9 Chemistry
Year 9 Biology
Year 9 Physics
Year 9 Earth and Space
Year 10 Chemistry
Year 10 Biology
Year 10 Physics

Select this subscription option to enrol individual students.
To enrol a group of students, please select the class subscription option.

Please note, the person logged in while purchasing an individual course subscription is the person who becomes enrolled in the course. Therefore, if you are purchasing a subscription for someone else (eg, a parent purchasing a subscription for your child) please make the purchase while you are logged in as them. If they are not yet registered, you will be prompted to register them during the checkout process (you will need to be logged out to do this).

Scroll down for detailed product information.

Product Description


About the Years 7-10 Online Course Bundle

Purchase of the Years 7-10 Online Science Course Bundle gives access to the following courses for one year:

Each course consists of high-quality, in-depth lessons broken up into several topics.
Students can test their understanding with self-marking quizzes at the end of each topic.

The first lesson in each course is available to preview for free.

These online courses are aligned with Version 8.4 of the Australian Curriculum.


Ordering Information

  • Price is per student subscription.
  • Subscription lasts for one year from date of purchase.
  • Price is in Australian dollars.
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