Year 7 Physics PDF Workbook


PDF workbook covering Year 7 Physics for the Australian curriculum.


year 7 physics pdf workbook australian curriculum

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Product Description

Coverage of the Australian Curriculum

This workbook is aligned with Version 8.4 of the Australian Curriculum.

Year 7 Physics – Science Understanding

  • Change to an object’s motion is caused by unbalanced forces, including Earth’s gravitational attraction, acting on the object (ACSSU117)

Workbook Content

  1.   Forces
      1.1   Introduction to Forces
      1.2   Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
      1.3   Contact Forces: Friction, Buoyancy and Surface Tension
      1.4   Non-Contact Forces: Gravity, Magnetism and Electrostatic Forces
  2.   Simple Machines
      2.1   Simple Machines and Mechanical Advantage
      2.2   Inclined Planes, Wedges and Screws
      2.3   Levers
      2.4   Wheels & Axles and Pulleys
      2.5   Gears, Belt Drives and Chain Drives

Includes teacher version containing comprehensive answers for all worksheets.

107 pages

Comprehensive support material for this workbook is available in the Year 7 Physics Online Course – comprehensive lesson notes and 193 interactive quiz questions.

Ordering Information

Price in Australian dollars.
Workbooks come as digital eBooks. They are non-editable, printable PDFs.
Workbooks are purchased as a school licence.
The PDF files will be available for download immediately after payment.

Terms of Use

Purchase of these digital resources entitles the purchaser and their school unlimited print reproduction for classroom use. Sharing of these resources outside of the purchasing school is a violation of the licensing agreement.


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