Year 7 Chemistry PDF Workbook
Product Description
Coverage of the Australian Curriculum
This workbook is aligned with Version 8.4 of the Australian Curriculum.
Year 7 Chemistry – Science Understanding
- Mixtures, including solutions, contain a combination of pure substances that can be separated using a range of techniques (ACSSU113)
Workbook Content
- Introduction to the Science Laboratory
1.1 Laboratory Equipment and Scientific Diagrams
1.2 The Bunsen Burner
1.3 The Scientific Method
1.4 Practical Reports
1.5 Branches of Science - Mixtures
2.1 Pure Substances and Mixtures
2.2 Solutions and Solubility
2.3 Separation of Mixtures
2.4 Separation of Mixtures – Research Assignment - Practical Experiments
3.1 Boiling Water Using a Bunsen Burner
3.2 Making Observations in Science
3.3 Heating Copper Sulfate
3.4 Determining When to Add Milk to a Cup of Tea
3.5 Identifying Pure Substances and Mixtures
3.6 Soluble and Insoluble Substances
3.7 Temperature and Solubility
3.8 Filtration and Evaporation
3.9 Making a Water Filter
3.10 Magnetic Separation
3.11 Separating Ink Using Paper Chromatography
Includes teacher version containing comprehensive answers for all worksheets.
148 pages
Online Course and Lesson Notes
Comprehensive support material for this workbook is available in two formats:
- Year 7 Chemistry Lesson Notes – 168 pages/slides of lesson notes in PDF format for sharing with your class.
- Year 7 Chemistry Online Course – the same content as the Lesson Notes delivered in an online format and containing 114 interactive quiz questions.
Ordering Information
Price in Australian dollars.
Workbooks come as digital eBooks. They are non-editable, printable PDFs.
Workbooks are purchased as a school licence.
The PDF files will be available for download immediately after payment.
Terms of Use
Purchase of these digital resources entitles the purchaser and their school unlimited print reproduction for classroom use. Sharing of these resources outside of the purchasing school or placing them on a school intranet or the internet is a violation of the licensing agreement.