Year 7 Chemistry Lesson Notes


Lesson notes covering Year 7 Chemistry for the Australian curriculum.

These comprehensive lesson notes are designed to complement the Year 7 Chemistry PDF Workbook.


year 7 chemistry lesson notes australian curriculum

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Product Description

Coverage of the Australian Curriculum

These lesson notes are aligned with Version 8.4 of the Australian Curriculum.

Year 7 Chemistry – Science Understanding

  • Mixtures, including solutions, contain a combination of pure substances that can be separated using a range of techniques (ACSSU113)


  1.   Introduction to the Science Laboratory
      1.1   Laboratory Equipment and Scientific Diagrams
      1.2   The Bunsen Burner
      1.3   The Scientific Method
      1.4   Practical Reports
      1.5   Branches of Science

  2.   Mixtures
      2.1   Pure Substances and Mixtures
      2.2   Solutions and Solubility
      2.3   Separation of Mixtures

168 pages/slides

* These lesson notes contain the same content as the Year 7 Introduction to Science and Year 7 Chemistry online courses (except for the quizzes).

Ordering Information

Price in Australian dollars.
Comes as a digital eBook (PDF format).
Purchased as a school licence.
PDF file will be available for download immediately after payment.

Terms of Use

Purchase of this digital resource entitles the purchaser and their school unlimited classroom use. Sharing this resource outside of the purchasing school is a violation of the licensing agreement.


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