What Is Energy?
- Energy is defined as the ability to do work. In other words, it is the ability to make something happen.
- Energy is different to matter. It is not composed of particles and, therefore, it has no mass and cannot been seen.
- The effects of energy, however, can be observed and measured.
- For example, energy can make objects move, heat up objects or produce light and sound.
- Energy, therefore, is measured based on how much work is being done or how much work could potentially be done.
- Energy comes in many forms. The two main categories of energy are kinetic energy, which is active energy, and potential energy, which is inactive energy.
- The units for measuring energy are called joules, which have the symbol J.

Energy is the ability to make something happen.
(Images: tkyszk, Adobe Stock; Pixel-Shot, Adobe Stock; Dusan Kostic, Adobe Stock)