- A force is something that causes an object to change its speed, direction or shape.
- An increase in speed is known as acceleration.
- A decrease in speed is known as deceleration.
- An object that returns to its original shape once a force is no longer acting on it is known as an elastic object.
- An object that retains its new shape once a force is no longer acting on it is known as an inelastic object.
- A force can be classified as a push, a pull or a twist.
- A push force is directed away from the source of the force.
- A pull force is directed towards the source of the force.
- A twist force involves rotation around a fixed point.
- Forces can also be classified as contact forces or non-contact forces.
- A contact force touches the object it is acting on.
- A non-contact force does not touch the object it is acting on.
- Forces have a magnitude and a direction.
- The magnitude of a force is measured in newtons, which have the symbol N.
- The direction of a force can be indicated using an arrow.

(Image: Teemu Tretjakov, Adobe Stock)