- A science laboratory is full of unique pieces of equipment.
- Each piece of equipment has its own specialised purpose and a safe method of operation.
- Becoming familiar with the main items that you will use in science class will greatly help you become a competent scientist.

A science laboratory contains a variety of specialised equipment.
(Image: Zuzanna K. Filutowska, Wikimedia Commons)
Laboratory Glassware
- Many items within a science laboratory are made of glass.
- This is usually different to standard glass, as it needs to have special qualities.
- For example, laboratory glass needs to be able to store chemicals without reacting with them. It also needs to be able to withstand high temperatures without cracking.
- Although it’s a bit tougher than regular glass, laboratory glassware is still fragile and needs to be handled with care.
- It will break if dropped or handled roughly.
- It can also be expensive to replace.
- If you notice a piece of glassware that has a crack in it, inform your teacher immediately.
- This is especially important if the object is going to be heated as it will almost certainly break.
- In the following sections, we will look at some common pieces of laboratory equipment.
- We will also look at some equipment that is not made of glass.

Laboratory glassware uses a special type of glass, but it is still fragile.
(Image: PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay)