Coordination and Control / Circulation / Cells
- MRSCGREN was previously known as MRSGREN. The C was added later, but different sources will quote the C as standing for any one of the things mentioned – all of which are characteristics of living things.
- Living things exhibit coordination and control of their internal environment – a process known as homeostasis.
- For example, mammals maintain a constant body temperature of around 37 °C, and plants can reduce water loss from their leaves by closing small holes in their leaves called stomates.
- Living things circulate (transport) substances within them.
- These substances include oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and glucose.
- Living things are made up of building blocks called cells.
- The smallest organisms are made up of a single cell, while more complex organisms, such as humans, are made up of trillions of cells.

All living things coordinate their internal processes.
(Image: Mbz1, Wikimedia Commons)