5 | Rocks, Fossils and Earth History

Rocks, Fossils and Earth History

  • Rocks contain a record of past geological and biological events.
  • The study of rock strata (rock layers) reveals information about:
  • When rocks were formed.
  • How Earth’s physical environment has changed over time.
  • The occurrence of past earthquakes and volcanoes.
  • The evolution of life.
  • Many rocks contain fossils, which are preserved remains or traces of organisms from a previous age.
  • Fossils are mostly found in sedimentary rock.
  • The study of fossils has revealed how life on Earth has evolved over time.
  • It has also contributed to our understanding of how Earth itself has changed over time.
  • For example:
  • The presence of the same types of fossils on separate continents shows that these continents were once joined.
  • The presence of marine fossils on land shows that these regions were once oceans.
  • The ability to date rocks and fossils has lead to the development of the geological time scale – a timeline that divides Earth history into intervals that correspond with major geological and biological events.


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Rocks contain information about past geological and biological events.

(Images: MiguelAngel, Adobe Stock; Syced, Wikimedia Commons; Osvaldocangaspadilla, Wikimedia Commons)